Emily chose a stunning mix of cream and white Roses, Ranunculus and Alstroemeria, with a hint of pink Spray Roses and lots of trailing foliage for her bridal bouquet when she married Liam at the beginning of April. Alstroemeria was echoed in both the Groom's (and Gents') Buttonholes, alongside Gypsophila. The Bridesmaids' bouquets meant another appearance for both Alstroemeria and Gypsophila with lots more glorious foliage. We loved this look!
The top table arrangement, which was used for both the Registrar's table and the top table, was a mix of the above flowers - including the hint of pink! - to coordinate with the theme.
The couple held both their ceremony and reception at Colwick Hall.
These gorgeous photos were taken by Kathryn Edwards Photography.