01159375217 | info@flowersonmainstreet.co.uk | 2B Main Street, Keyworth, NG12 5AD

Elinor & Matt - April 2021

Elinor and Matt were our first couple to be wed in 2021 - and hopefully the first of many for the year!

For their micro wedding in Wollaton, Nottinghamshire, the bride opted for a wild, country style bouquet which included a mix of white/ivory Lisianthus, Gypsophila, Ammi, Thlaspi and Tanacetum Daisies. The same flowers were used to create her flower crown headdress. 

The bridal flowers were complimented by the gents' buttonholes with more Lisianthus, Thlaspi and Gypsophila being used as well as scented Rosemary in keeping with the wild, hand picked feel. 

These beautiful photos were taken by Pear Bear Photography.

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